A Curious World

What good is a world without someone to care for it? What is a planet worth if not a creature moves upon it? What is the purpose of life is there is nothing to experience? Through the eons life forms of all shapes and sizes have come and gone with little to show of their very existance. Even to this day more and more unique species of animals vanish off into nothingness due mostly because of us. Just today another 50 to 100 more of these such living creatures were completely destroyed as happens everyday. It is a sad time that we live in when one race of beings can't coexist with one another. How many more can we stand to lose before we finally stand up and say enough is enough? We need to do something, anything, even the smallest efforts can make a difference in the long run, but either way it is time for change.

If we cannot bring ourselves to limit our own population then we need to find a new direction to take it. There are so many places, space, the moon, Mars, even under water or in the ocean. We have long had the technology to do so, all that we lack is the collective will and ambition to make such a change. Why should a species so advanced and so intelligent limit itself and all life around it simply because it fears change or is to apathetic about the way things are to change them. There is so much that can be done, so much that needs to be done yet we believe that we are above the laws of nature and so choose to live in a paradoxical state.

The taking of a life is not an easy or insignificant thing and should only be only practiced in the most primitive conditions and then only if there is no other possible way. We have grown so accustomed to the death and chaos around us that we forget to notice how horrible and barbaric such acts truly are especially for beings who claim to be the most advanced and intelligent that we know to exist.

Life, no matter the form is precious and should never be overlooked, even the simplest life can hold the most captivating beauty, all you have to do is look.


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